Sunday, January 20, 2008

Berachos 2b - Part 4

The Gemara analyzes a section of the previously mentioned baraissa. The Baraissa had the following exchange:

Rabbi Meir: [One recites Shma] from the time the kohanim are toveil to eat terumah.

Rabbi Yehuda: But aren't they toveil while it is still day?

The Gemara asks, what is Rabbi Meir's response to Rabbi Yehuda's claim?

The Gemara says that Rabbi Meir responds that he is not following Rabbi Yehuda's opinion of Bein Hashmashos, but rather Rabbi Yossi's opinion. Rabbi Yossi holds that Bein Hashmashos is k'heref ayin. Day leaves, night comes and it's impossible to calculate the switch.

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